"Música y danza de indios y mestizos en un valle andino del Perú".
(online publication)
"Masters of the water: Puppets and masks of the Bozo fishermen of Kirango (Mali)".
(online publication)
"Maaninw: les petites marionnettes bamanan et bòso (Mali)".
(online publication)
"Rhythm to be heard and seen: a Bamana masquerade in Mali".
Originally published in: "Rhythm, a dance in time", E.den Otter (ed.).
Amsterdam: KIT Press, 2000.
"Lullabies and children’s songs of the Bozo and Bamana, Mali" recorded in Kirango (Mali),
December 2009-January 2010. Article and video.
"The Secret Comes Forth: The Depiction of Animals in Bozo and Bamanan Puppetry in Mali".
In: Puppetry International, Spring and Summer 2017, issue #41, pp. 5-9.
"Music and Dance of Indians and Mestizos in an Andean Valley of Peru".
Digitalized book/sound fragments/slide show/film.
"Distant Friends of Jan Klaassen. Puppetry in Africa and Asia."
(online publication)
"The Depiction of Bozo and Bamanan Animals in Malian Puppetry".
(online publication)
"Peuple de l'eau. les Bozos du Mali". Paris: L'Académie des banlieues.
"L'animale esce: la festa delle maschere bamana". In: B.Gianinazzi, P.Maiullari (eds.), Sogo: maschere e marionette bamana. Milan: Mazotto. (Catalogue of an exhibition at the Museo delle Culture, Heleneum, in Lugano, October 19, 2012 - March 10, 2013.)
"Les marionnettes bozo de Kirango (Mali)". In: D.Paugy, C.Lévêque, I.Mouas (eds.),
Poissons d'Afrique et peuples de l'eau. Marseille: IRD Éditions.
"Sigi, the Mythical Bush Buffalo". In: P.Faber (ed.), Africa at the Tropenmuseum.
Amsterdam: KIT Publishers
(Book review)
Marchand, Trevor H.J.:"The Masons of Djenné".
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009
(Film review)
Vogel, Susan: "The Future of Mud: a Tale of Houses and Lives in Djenne".
Brooklyn: Icarus Films, 2007
Published on H-AfrArts, H-Net Reviews, November 2009:
(Book review)
McNaughton, Patrick R.:"A Bird Dance near Saturday City: Sidi Ballo and
the Art of West African Masquerade".
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008
Published on H-AfrArts, H-Net Reviews, April 2009:
(Book review)
Moore, Robin D.:"Music and Revolution. Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba".
Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press/Columbia College
Chicago, Center for Black Music Research, 2006
In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 84, April 2008.
(with Mary Jo Arnoldi)
"Puppet Masquerades in Kirango, Mali: Continuity, Innovation, and Changing
Contexts". In: S.Belcher, J.Jansen, M.N'Daou (eds.), Mande Mansa: Essays in Honor
of David C.Conrad. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008.
(Book review)
Waxer, Lise (ed):"Situating Salsa. Global Markets and Local Meaning in Latin
Popular Music". New York and London: Routledge, 2002.
In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 79, October 2005.
(Book review)
Reily, Suzel A.:"Voices of the Magi: Enchanted Journeys in Southeast Brazil" .
Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2002.
In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 75, October 2003.
(with M.Kéïta)
"Sogo bò. La fête des masques bamanan." Bamako (printed by Imprim Color)
(There is a version in Bamanan as well.)
"Mascaras e Marionetas: Uma Mascarada no Mali." In: C.Zurbach (ed.),. Teatro de Marionetas. Tradiçâo e modernidade. Evora : Casa do Sul
(with R. Spoorman)
"From Private to Public Archive: Sound Recordings in the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam." In: G.Berlin and A.Simon (eds.), Music Archiving in the World. Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv.
Berlijn: VWB – Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
"Rhythm, a dance in time". Amsterdam: KIT Press. (ed.)
(Book review)
Mendoza, Zoila S.: "Shaping Society through Dance. Mestizo Ritual Performance in the Peruvian Andes". Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000.
In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 70, April 2001.
"Rhythm to be heard, rhythm to be seen: a masquerade of the Bamana (Mali)."
In: Rhythm, a dance in time, E.den Otter (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press.
"Ritme, dans in de tijd" (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press.
"Schudden, slaan, stampen en schrapen. Ritme-instrumenten uit
de collectie van het Tropenmuseum." In: Ritme, dans in de tijd, E.den Otter (ed.).
Amsterdam: KIT Press.
"Aids! Als ik dat geweten had!" In: Krachten en beelden/Images of power,
J.Vogelzang (ed.). Zeist: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tropische Geneeskunde.
"Of dancing masks and men: visible and hidden dancers of the Bamana and Bozo (Mali)." In: The spirit’s dance in Africa, E.Dagan (ed.). Westmount, QC, Canada: Galerie Amrad African Arts Publications.
(Book review)
Rosalia, René V.: "Tambú. De legale en kerkelijke repressie van Afro-Curaçaose volksuitingen". Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1997.
In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 63, December 1997.
"Verre vrienden van Jan Klaassen. Poppenspel in Afrika en Azië." Amsterdam: KIT Press.
"Music in the Tropenmuseum: from Jaap Kunst to the present." In: Jaap Kunst. Indonesian music and dance. Traditional music and its interaction with the West.” Amsterdam: KIT Press.
"Pre-columbian musical instruments. Silenced sounds in the Tropenmuseum collection." Amsterdam: KIT Press, Bulletin no.335.
"Totaaltheater in Peru, Cuba en Mali". In: Theater in mondiaal perspectief, K.Epskamp (red.). Utrecht: Hogeschool voor de Kunst Utrecht.
(Book review)
Turino, Thomas: "Moving Away from Silence. Music of the Peruvian Altiplano and the Experience of Urban Migration". Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
In: Latin American Music Review, vol.15, number 2, Fall/Winter 1994.
"Music and dance of indians and mestizos in an Andean valley of Peru". Delft: Eburon.