Music and Dance of Indians and Mestizos in an Andean Valley of Peru

Drawing by Kees Putman, representing a modeled vessel from the Recuay period, of a human figure playing a natural trumpet, a duo of flute & drum players, and two members of a brass and playing saxophone and trumpet.

Between 1980-1985 I did research in Peru, as scientific assistant, pertaining to the role of music and dance in an Andean valley of Peru, for WOTRO (The Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research), The Hague. This resulted in the following documentation:

  1. Book: Music and Dance of Indians and Mestizos in an Andean Valley of Peru, Delft: Eburon, 1985 (366 pages, PDF, total 142 MB)
    Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Photos

  2. Sound selection (34 tracks): YouTube playlist

  3. Slideshow (100 slides, PDF, total 24 MB): Peru slideshow

  4. Film (31 min.) ‘Our Lady of Mercy - patron saint festival of Carhuaz (Peru)’: YouTube film

  5. Description of the audiovisual materials (PDF, 2 MB)

The above material was digitalized in 2017 for online access under the Creative Commons license.

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